Gingerweb Blog

Ramblings on the Ginger Web

New website launched - Why isnt my website on Google?

google search your site

Well, Google isn't a magician and contrary to popular belief doesn't "own" the Internet.

However it is definitely the lead search engine and to get your website onto page 1 there are a few tips and tricks that will help this happen, although nothing can be guaranteed, so if you are promised "Page 1 of Google" - start running !!

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Be realistic about SEO

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There are just some websites and some businesses you are never going to compete with and its best to be realistic about this from the start. There have been times however when we have been asked to try and compete with the really big boys and occasionally it pays off, more often than not of course using a brand new domain with no Page Rank is not going to get you noticed by the big Google in the sky so lets look at your options.

 If your product is locally based or you sell a service primarily in your area then you have a head start.

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Setting Meta Descriptions & Title tags in Joomla 3

meta description and title tag

When you are surfing the internet you invariably use Google as the starting place and Google much like any other search engine will show you a "Title Tag" and a "meta description" of each of the search engine results:

As you can see the title of the website followed by the most important keyword or keywords, and then the meta description.

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Is your Domain Name Available?

Run a quick check on your preferred name here. We can buy this for you - all in with your hosting and new website.
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